
The session middleware in Lithe manages user session configuration and control.

Using the Session Middleware

Lithe includes a session middleware to manage user sessions and their variables. To configure the middleware in your application, add it using the use() method:

use Lithe\Middleware\Session\session;


This ensures that the session is correctly initiated and configured for all requests.

Configuring the Session Middleware

The session middleware can be configured with the following parameters:

  • lifetime: Defines the session's lifetime in seconds. The default is 2592000 seconds (30 days).
  • domain: Defines the domain for which the session cookie is valid. The default is null.
  • secure: Indicates if the session cookie should be sent only over secure (HTTPS) connections. The default is false.
  • httponly: Indicates if the session cookie should be accessible only through HTTP requests. The default is true.
  • samesite: Defines the SameSite attribute of the session cookie. It can be 'Lax', 'Strict', or 'None'. The default is 'Lax'.
  • path: Defines the path where session files will be stored. The default is 'storage/framework/session'.

Example configuration:

    'lifetime' => 3600,
    'domain' => '',
    'secure' => true,
    'httponly' => true,
    'samesite' => 'Strict',
    'path' => PROJECT_ROOT . '/storage/framework/session',

Using Session Variables

After configuration, you can access and manipulate session variables through the Request object. Here are some available methods:

  • put(string $name, mixed $value): void

    Sets a session variable.

    $req->session->put('user', 'John Doe');
  • get(string $name, mixed $default = null): mixed

    Retrieves the value of a session variable. Returns the default value if the variable is not set.

    $user = $req->session->get('user');
  • forget(mixed $name): void

    Removes one or more session variables.

  • destroy(): void

    Destroys all session variables.

  • isActive(): bool

    Checks if the session is active.

    $isActive = $req->session->isActive();
  • regenerate(bool $deleteOldSession = true): bool

    Regenerates the session ID. If $deleteOldSession is true, the old session will be deleted.

  • getId(): string|false

    Retrieves the current session ID.

    $sessionId = $req->session->getId();
  • setId(string $sessionId): bool

    Sets a new ID for the session.

  • all(): array

    Retrieves all session variables.

    $allSessionData = $req->session->all();
  • has(string|array $names): bool

    Checks if one or more session variables exist.

    $hasUser = $req->session->has('user');


  • Creating the Session Directory: The middleware ensures that the directory for storing sessions exists. If it doesn't, it will be created.
  • Error Handling: If an error occurs during configuration or session initialization, the middleware will log it and continue execution.