
Lithe provides a variety of middlewares that simplify and accelerate web application development, allowing you to focus on building specific features for your application.

Lithe Middlewares

Lithe comes with several middlewares that can be integrated into your project to enhance its functionality. These middlewares are included by default and can be used as needed. Below is a list of some commonly used middlewares:

SessionManages user sessions, allowing you to store and retrieve persistent information between requests, such as login data and preferences.
FlashStores temporary messages to be displayed on the next request, useful for showing notifications and feedback on user actions, such as form submissions or data changes.
CsrfProtects against CSRF (Cross-Site Request Forgery) attacks by ensuring that all requests originate from authenticated and authorized users, preventing unwanted actions on behalf of other users.
CorsEnables CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing), allowing your application to accept requests from different origins and domains, which is essential for integrating with external APIs and communication between different web services.

Community Middlewares

In addition to the middlewares developed by the Lithe team, the community has also created several useful middlewares. These community contributions offer additional features and enhancements:
