
The `Request` object in Lithe provides an object-oriented way to interact with the current HTTP request being handled by your application, as well as to retrieve inputs, cookies, and files submitted with the request.



  • Description: Request parameters, such as form data or URL parameters.
  • Type: object
    $app->get('/hello/:name', function($req, $res) {
        $params = $req->params;
        // Example: $params may contain data like ['name' => 'John']


  • Description: HTTP method of the request (e.g., 'GET', 'POST').
  • Type: string
    $app->get('/hello', function($req, $res) {
        $method = $req->method; // Example: $method may be 'GET'


  • Description: Request headers.
  • Type: array
    $app->get('/hello', function($req, $res) {
        $headers = $req->headers;


  • Description: IP address of the client making the request.
  • Type: string
    $app->get('/hello', function($req, $res) {
        $ip = $req->ip;
        // Example: $ip may be ''


  • Description: Data from the URL query string.
  • Type: object
    $app->get('/hello', function($req, $res) {
        $query = $req->query;
        // Example: $query may contain ['search' => 'Lithe']


  • Description: URL of the request.
  • Type: string
    $app->get('/hello', function($req, $res) {
        $url = $req->url;
        // Example: $url may be '/hello'


  • Description: Data from the body of the request.
  • Type: object|array|mixed
    $app->post('/submit', function($req, $res) {
        $body = $req->body;
        // Example: $body may contain ['name' => 'John']


  • Description: Files submitted with the request (if applicable).
  • Type: object|array|array[]
    $app->post('/upload', function($req, $res) {
        $files = $req->files;
        // Example: $files may contain information about uploaded files


  • Description: Cookies sent with the request.
  • Type: object
    $app->get('/hello', function($req, $res) {
        $cookies = $req->cookies;
        // Example: $cookies may contain ['session_id' => 'abc123']


__get(string $name)

  • Description: Magic method to access property values dynamically.
  • Parameters:
    • name - Property name.
  • Return: Property value or null if it does not exist.

__set(string $name, $value)

  • Description: Magic method to set property values dynamically.
  • Parameters:
    • name - Property name.
    • value - Value to be set.


  • Description: Gets the host of the server (including the http/https scheme).
  • Return: string - Host URL.
    $app->get('/hello', function($req, $res) {
        $host = $req->getHost();
        // Example: $host may be ''

cookie(string $name, $default = null)

  • Description: Gets the value of a specific cookie.
  • Parameters:
    • name - Name of the cookie.
    • default - Default value if the cookie does not exist.
  • Return: Cookie value or default value.
    $app->get('/hello', function($req, $res) {
        $sessionId = $req->cookie('session_id', 'default_session');
        // Example: $sessionId may be 'abc123' or 'default_session'

header(string $name, mixed $default = null): mixed

  • Description: Gets the value of a specific request header.
  • Parameters:
    • name - Name of the header.
    • default - Default value if the header does not exist.
  • Return: Header value or default value.
    $app->get('/hello', function($req, $res) {
        $contentType = $req->header('Content-Type', 'text/plain');
        // Example: $contentType may be 'application/json' or 'text/plain'


  • Description: Checks if the request is an AJAX request.
  • Return: bool - true if it is an AJAX request, false otherwise.
    $app->get('/hello', function($req, $res) {
        if ($req->isAjax()) {
            // Executes code specific for AJAX requests

query(string $key = null, $default = null)

  • Description: Gets the value of a specific query parameter.
  • Parameters:
    • key - Parameter name.
    • default - Default value if the parameter does not exist.
  • Return: Parameter value or default value.
    $app->get('/search', function($req, $res) {
        $searchTerm = $req->query('search', 'default');
        // Example: $searchTerm may be 'Lithe' or 'default'

file(string $name = null)

  • Description: Gets information about an uploaded file.
  • Parameters:
    • name - Name of the file input.
  • Return: File information or null if no file is present.
    $app->post('/upload', function($req, $res) {
        $file = $req->file('uploaded_file');
        // Example: $file may contain information about the uploaded file

filter(string $key, string $filterType, $default = null)

  • Description: Filters a value based on the specified filter type.
  • Parameters:
    • key - Key containing the value to be filtered.
    • filterType - Type of filter to be applied.
    • default - Default value if the filter fails or the value is not defined.
  • Return: Filtered value or default value.
    $app->post('/submit', function($req, $res) {
        $email = $req->filter('email', 'email', '');
        // $email may be a valid email or ''