
The `Response` object in Lithe provides powerful methods for handling and sending HTTP responses, offering flexibility in web application development.


render(string $file, ?array $data = [])

  • Description: Renders a view using the configured view engine.
  • Parameters:
    • file - Name of the view file.
    • data - Data to be passed to the view.
  • Exceptions: Throws \InvalidArgumentException if the view engine is not configured correctly.
    $app->get('/welcome', function($req, $res) {
        return $res->render('welcome', ['user' => 'John Doe']);

getStatusCode(): ?int

  • Description: Returns the current HTTP status code of the response.
  • Return: int|null
    $app->get('/status', function($req, $res) {
        $status = $res->getStatusCode();
        // Example: $status might be 200

view(string $file, ?array $data = [])

  • Description: Renders a view. Alias for the render method.
  • Parameters:
    • file - Name of the view file.
    • data - Data to be passed to the view.
    $app->get('/profile', function($req, $res) {
        return $res->view('profile', ['name' => 'Jane Doe']);

send(mixed $data)

  • Description: Sends a response, which can be serialized data in JSON or plain text.
  • Parameters:
    • data - Data to be sent as a response.
    $app->get('/data', function($req, $res) {
        return $res->send('Hello, World!');

redirect(string $url, bool $permanent = false)

  • Description: Redirects to a URL using an HTTP redirect.
  • Parameters:
    • url - URL to redirect to.
    • permanent - Whether the redirect is permanent (301) or temporary (302).
    $app->get('/old-page', function($req, $res) {
        return $res->redirect('/new-page', true);

json(mixed $data)

  • Description: Sends a response in JSON format.
  • Parameters:
    • data - Data to be sent as a JSON response.
    $app->get('/api/data', function($req, $res) {
        return $res->json(['status' => 'success', 'data' => [1, 2, 3]]);

status(int $statusCode): self

  • Description: Sets the HTTP status code for the response.
  • Parameters:
    • statusCode - HTTP status code.
  • Return: The current Response object for method chaining.
    $app->get('/not-found', function($req, $res) {
        return $res->status(404)->send('Page Not Found');

setHeader(string $name, ?string $value = null): self

  • Description: Sets an HTTP header in the response.
  • Parameters:
    • name - Name of the header.
    • value - Value of the header (or null for headers without value).
  • Return: The current Response object for method chaining.
    $app->get('/headers', function($req, $res) {
        return $res->setHeader('X-Custom-Header', 'Value')
            ->send('Header set!');

setHeaders(array $headers): self

  • Description: Sets multiple headers at once.
  • Parameters:
    • headers - Associative array of headers.
  • Return: The current Response object for method chaining.
    $app->get('/headers', function($req, $res) {
        return $res->setHeaders([
            'X-Custom-Header' => 'Value',
            'X-Another-Header' => 'Another Value'
        ])->send('Headers set!');

download(string $file, ?string $name = null, array $headers = [])

  • Description: Sends a file for download.
  • Parameters:
    • file - Path to the file.
    • name - Name of the file for download.
    • headers - Additional headers.
    $app->get('/download', function($req, $res) {
        return $res->download('/path/to/', '');

file(string $file, array $headers = [])

  • Description: Displays a file in the browser.
  • Parameters:
    • file - Path to the file.
    • headers - Additional headers.
    $app->get('/view-file', function($req, $res) {
        return $res->file('/path/to/file.pdf');

cookie(string $name, $value, array $options = []): self

  • Description: Sets a new cookie.
  • Parameters:
    • name - Name of the cookie.
    • value - Value of the cookie.
    • options - Options for configuring the cookie.
  • Return: The current Response object for method chaining.
    $app->get('/set-cookie', function($req, $res) {
        return $res->cookie('user', 'John Doe', [
          'expires' => time() + 3600

clearCookie(string $name): self

  • Description: Removes a cookie.
  • Parameters:
    • name - Name of the cookie to be removed.
  • Return: The current Response object for method chaining.
    $app->get('/clear-cookie', function($req, $res) {
        return $res->clearCookie('user');

type(string $mimeType): self

  • Description: Sets the MIME type for the response.
  • Parameters:
    • mimeType - MIME type to be set.
  • Return: The current Response object for method chaining.
    $app->get('/json', function($req, $res) {
        return $res->type('application/json')->json([
          'status' => 'success'