Creating an Application

Learn how to create your first application with Lithe.

Instantiating the Application

To start developing with Lithe, create a new instance of the Lithe\App class in the src/App.php file and define a route:

$app = new \Lithe\App;

$app->get('/', function ($req, $res) {
    $res->send('Hello World!');

The App class is the main interface for configuring and managing your Lithe application. It centralizes the configuration and management of the application, making it easier to create and organize your web application efficiently.

Running the Application

For your application to work, you need to call the listen method:

$app = new \Lithe\App;

$app->get('/', function ($req, $res) {
    $res->send('Hello World!');


The listen method is responsible for starting the application and listening for incoming requests. After configuring all routes and registering necessary resources, calling listen causes the application to begin processing and responding to client requests.

Serving the Application

Using the Built-in Server

To test your application locally, you need to have PHP installed on your system. With PHP installed, run the built-in server using the following command:

php line serve

This will start the server on the default port 8000. If you wish to specify a different port, you can use the optional PORT parameter. For example, to start the server on port 9000, use:

php line serve 9000

Access http://localhost:9000/ in your browser to view your application running.

Using Apache or Another Web Server

If you prefer to use Apache or another web server, the public directory is the entry point. Depending on your server configuration, you can access your application through URLs such as:

  • Local Development Environment (Example): http://localhost/your-project/public/
  • Production Environment (Example):

Make sure to adjust the access path based on your specific environment and web server configuration.