HTTP Exceptions

In Lithe, you can customize the response for specific HTTP errors using handlers. This allows you to provide specific messages and behaviors for different types of errors.

Defining Custom Handlers

To configure your application's response to specific HTTP errors, register handlers for the desired status codes using the httpException method on the Lithe application instance. This method takes two parameters: the HTTP status code (e.g., 404, 500) and a handler that receives the request and response objects as parameters. For 500 errors, there is an additional third parameter, the exception.

// Handler for HTTP 400 (Bad Request)
$app->httpException(400, function($req, $res) {
    $res->send('Page not found.');

// Handler for HTTP 500 (Internal Server Error)
$app->httpException(500, function($req, $res, $exception) {
    $res->send('An internal error occurred.');

These handlers help ensure that your users receive clear and helpful messages when something goes wrong.

Throwing HTTP Exceptions

Throwing HTTP exceptions is an effective way to generate specific error responses when your application encounters problems.

use Lithe\Contracts\Http\HttpException;

$app->get('/some-route', function($req, $res) {
    // Throws an exception for error 404 (Not Found)
    throw new HttpException(404, 'Page not found.');

When an exception is thrown, Lithe will automatically look for a registered handler for the status code and execute the corresponding function.

Properly managing HTTP exceptions is essential for providing a consistent and informative user experience. By using Lithe's exception handlers and throwers, you can customize error responses and ensure that your users receive useful information in unexpected situations.