
The `Mail` class in Lithe makes it easy to send emails. With simple configuration, you can send text or HTML emails, add attachments, and configure various aspects of sending.

Configuring the Environment

Before using the Mail class, configure the environment variables in the .env file at the root of your project to set up email server settings:


  • MAIL_HOST: SMTP server address.
  • MAIL_PORT: SMTP server port.
  • MAIL_USERNAME: Username for SMTP server authentication.
  • MAIL_PASSWORD: Password for SMTP server authentication.
  • MAIL_ENCRYPTION: Encryption method for the SMTP connection (tls or ssl).
  • MAIL_FROM_ADDRESS: Sender's email address.
  • MAIL_FROM_NAME: Sender's name.

These settings are necessary for the Mail class to connect to the SMTP server and send emails with the appropriate configurations.

Using Mail

Configuring the Email

To start using the Mail class, set the recipient of the email and optionally include the recipient's name. This can be done with the static to method:

use Lithe\Support\Mail;

$mail = Mail::to('', 'Recipient Name');

The to method sets the email recipient. The first parameter is the recipient's email address, and the second parameter is the recipient's name, which is optional.

Adding CC and BCC Recipients

You can add CC (carbon copy) and BCC (blind carbon copy) recipients to the emails:

  • CC (Carbon Copy)

    $mail->cc('', 'CC Name');

    The cc method adds a recipient as CC. This means the recipient listed in CC will receive a copy of the email.

  • BCC (Blind Carbon Copy)

    $mail->bcc('', 'BCC Name');

    The bcc method adds a recipient as BCC. BCC recipients are not visible to other recipients and will receive a copy of the email.

Setting the Subject

After configuring the recipient, set the subject of the email using the subject method:

$mail->subject('Email Subject');

The subject method sets the subject of the email. This is the title that will appear in the email's subject line.

Setting the Body of the Email

You can choose to send the email body as plain text or HTML. Use the text method for plain text and html for HTML:

  • Plain Text

    $mail->text('This is the body of the email in plain text.');

    The text method sets the body of the email in plain text format. Ideal for emails without special formatting.

  • HTML

    $mail->html('<p>This is the body of the email in <strong>HTML</strong>.</p>');

    The html method sets the body of the email in HTML format, allowing for formatting and styling.

Adding Attachments

To add attachments to the email, use the attach method. Provide the path to the file and the name of the attachment:

$mail->attach('/path/to/file.pdf', 'File Name.pdf');

The attach method allows adding one or more files as attachments to the email. The first parameter is the file path, and the second is the name of the attached file.

Adding Custom Headers

To add custom headers to the email, use the addHeader method:

$mail->addHeader('X-Custom-Header', 'HeaderValue');

The addHeader method adds custom headers to the email. Custom headers can be used to include additional information or special settings in the email.

Configuring the Reply-To Address

If you want to set a reply-to email address, use the replyTo method:

$mail->replyTo('', 'Reply To Name');

The replyTo method sets an email address for where replies to the email will be sent. The first parameter is the reply-to address, and the second is the associated name.

Sending the Email

Finally, to send the email, use the send method. The method returns a boolean indicating whether the sending was successful:

$sent = $mail->send();

The send method sends the configured email and returns true if the sending is successful or false if there is a failure.


If you encounter issues while sending emails:

  • Check Settings: Ensure that environment variables are correctly configured and that the SMTP server is accessible.
  • Check Logs: If a failure occurs, the Mail class will log the error, which can be viewed in the system logs.