
The `Cache` class in Lithe provides an efficient way to store and retrieve frequently accessed data, improving application performance by avoiding repeated operations on data that doesn't change frequently.

Storing and Retrieving Cached Data

Storing Data in Cache

To store data in the cache, use the put method. This method requires a key to identify the data, the data to be stored, the expiration time in seconds (default is 3600 seconds or 1 hour), and the serialization format (optional: 'serialize', 'json', or 'yaml', default is 'serialize').

use Lithe\Support\Cache;

$app->post('/store-data', function ($req, $res) {
    $data = $req->body->data;
    $cacheKey = 'data_key';
    $expiry = 3600; // Expiration time in seconds (1 hour)
    $serializationFormat = 'json'; // Serialization format

    Cache::put($cacheKey, $data, $expiry, $serializationFormat);

    $res->send('Data stored in cache.');

Retrieving Data from Cache

To retrieve data from the cache, use the get method. It takes the key identifying the data and returns the stored data or null if not found or expired.

use Lithe\Support\Cache;

$app->get('/get-data', function ($req, $res) {
    $cacheKey = 'data_key';
    $data = Cache::get($cacheKey);

    if (!$data) {
        $data = 'Data not found in cache.';

    $res->json(['data' => $data]);

Invalidating Cache Items

To remove an item from the cache, use the invalidate method. It takes the key identifying the item to be removed.

use Lithe\Support\Cache;

$app->post('/invalidate-cache', function ($req, $res) {
    $cacheKey = 'data_key';


    $res->send('Cache invalidated.');

Retrieving Data or Executing a Callback

To attempt to retrieve data from the cache or execute a callback function if the data is not found, use the remember method. It takes the key to identify the data, a callback function to fetch fresh data if not cached, the expiration time in seconds (default is 3600 seconds or 1 hour), and the serialization format (optional: 'serialize', 'json', or 'yaml', default is 'serialize').

use Lithe\Support\Cache;

$app->get('/settings', function ($req, $res) {
    $settings = Cache::remember('app_settings', function() {
        // Simulates fetching settings
        return ['theme' => 'dark', 'language' => 'en'];
    }, 3600, 'json');
